4 Types of Visual Identity and the Path to Business Growth
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4 Types of Visual Identity and the Path to Business Growth

Have you ever wondered how your audience sees you? You can find the answer by learning about the types of visual identity. It turns out that every kind of identity can influence your audience, in addition to improving the position of your business. Your visual identity is important because it keeps you in the minds of customers for the longest possible time, thus increasing the percentage of dealing with you. When you follow the matter, it becomes clear that caring about the image of the institution is essential to maintaining the current audience and attracting a larger segment of individuals.

The importance of visual identity in business:

How beautiful it is to be absent yet present! If you can build mutual trust with your audience, you will become present even though you are absent. You talk about yourself through your type of visual identity and how you employ it, and you will be the first choice for the audience to think about who provides the same service or product as you. Research and practical experiences confirm that the first impression lasts, and your visual identity is the first thing your customers see, and through it, their impression of you is formed. It may emotionally affect individuals by seeing what expresses you, especially if creative elements of drawings and colors are employed. The step of choosing a visual identity defines the field in which you work, and what services you are keen to provide. Imagine that your customer wants to communicate with you to discuss a service of yours, and he did not find anything to tell him that you are present in the first place.

It means all forms of presence, whether directly or indirectly. The importance of visual identity lies in this framework, as your identity speaks to the customer instead of you, and there is a correlation between the audience and the visual identity of the company. Your identity can tell customers that you are available to communicate, and mainly works to increase the credibility element and raise the status of the owner of that identity. There is a group of people who believe that it is easy to convince people of the quality of their products once they have communication and negotiation skills, and this is not true.

Communication and negotiation skills are certainly required in business, but no matter how skilled a person is, he needs to design his visual identity. The customer does not remember every detail of the speech directed at him, and it is easy for him to remember one of the elements that express your organization. There are many expressive elements, such as your logo, the colors you use, graphics, and even card designs and the appearance of the company headquarters. A person prefers to be strong, not weak, and by paying attention to his identity, he can announce his strength to everyone. As someone who does not have a distinctive visual identity is seen as weak, and therefore needs a source of strength in the field of commercial activity. Therefore, the visual identity must be designed well, and know what the visual identity is and the basic procedural steps to create it.

Your visual identity and customer relationship:

Through your visual identity, you can create a lasting relationship with your audience, and this relationship is built on trust and credibility. Your spread is aimed at maintaining the loyalty of current customers and making efforts to gain the loyalty of future customers. Khutana E-marketing steps help you own a stunning visual identity that enchants everyone who sees it with its quality and depth of content so that you are close to customers and increase your chances of success and presence in the competitive arena.

What are the types of visual identity?

There are several types of visual identity, and the difference is based on the person’s needs, as the needs of individuals are not necessarily the same. It is important to be aware of these types to understand the nature of their work, in addition to striving to discover what you need and achieve your desired goals. The types of identities share the presence of an idea to express what is required, meaning that each type is done by placing a specific idea. Identity ideas are characterized by being creative, to attract the largest segment of the audience, through all the elements of dazzle and clarification.

The business owner may need a personal visual identity or a commercial identity, where the process of determining the appropriate type of identity takes place, then focusing on the design aspect and making the identity appear in its best form. The value of the type of visual identity is crystallized in that it becomes a constant companion for the customer during his journey with your business, so the visual identity must be chosen with a great degree of selection.

Below we present the most important types of visual identity:

1- A complete visual identity for either an individual or an institution:

This type contains many elements during the visual identity that will support your presence in your field of work, and it also has a great advantage, which is ensuring consistency, flow of ideas, and good formulation. The beneficiary gets several different designs for all elements of the visual identity, such as the logo, the profile, the social media card, and the correspondence cover. All types of printing are added to the previous, which the business owner needs, such as a specific cup bearing the identity or a set of pens. The complete visual identity is concerned with fixing the field of work in the minds of your audience, so you are in front of the eyes everywhere. Indirect methods are the most influential on people, and here instead of talking about yourself, you make your identity tell others about you.

2- Visual identity for the institution:

It contains the design of the correspondence cover as it is important for the business of institutions; as it expresses the image of the institution abroad and carries its status. This type also includes the social media card, in addition to the fact that it may include a design for the cover of the employee’s CV to save it. It is worth noting specifically that it is possible to enter the field of work of the institution to what is known as outsourcing companies. These are companies that work to provide labor, and therefore they need to distinguish the workers through them with a special design for the CV. Also learn about: The visual identity of companies The 4 most important things before creating the commercial identity of your company.

3- Personal visual identity:

As the name suggests, this type is mostly for personal use, such as designing a person’s business card. If an individual needs correspondence, it is also possible to design a correspondence cover and, at the same time, design a special letterhead. It is used in the case of institutions that are often small, as it is common in large institutions to have a commercial visual identity.

4- Commercial visual identity:

The outputs in this case are based on business-related matters, such as the design of the logo of the business and the packaging of the product offered to consumers. Some companies want to unify their uniforms and express them, and therefore a uniform is designed for employees. It is noted in the products that the designs take the form that suits the nature and features of the product. The design that will be presented to a company that produces sweets is different from another company that produces soft drinks. Many businesses need to design a book to monitor and collect invoices, and the more trade expands, the more work requirements expand, especially in sales matters. Seals and signatures play a pivotal role in the field of trade, and when providing the design of seals and signatures dedicated to the company, this supports its strength and regulates practices within it.

By clicking here you will find sources of inspiration for visual identity The process of classifying visual identity may expand to include many sub-classifications, and the common denominator is that services are provided that suit the individual’s institution. The owner of the institution may also have specific requests in his activity and therefore directs the implementation of clear and specific elements. Remember that the customer gets to know your identity before he gets to know you, and therefore the identity plays a clear role as a mediator between you. The person becomes more enthusiastic about cooperating or buying from you if he notices the creativity in the design of your visual identity, as he believes that he will get the same quality. This belief comes from the idea of your attention to detail as the owner of a business, which is consistent with the same concern for the quality of your service and the products you provide.

The difference between the types of visual identity:

Personal and commercial visual identities are among the most famous types of identities, and there are several differences between them, whether in definition or use. In the following lines, we present the most prominent differences between the two types:

2 The difference between personal and commercial visual identity - Types of visual identity and the path to business growth - Khutana for electronic marketing

First, the personal visual identity:

This type is specific to the owner of the visual identity himself, and here the person’s name is often used to express all the elements of the visual identity. The owner of the visual identity may work individually, as if he is performing a certain skill or talent in one of the artistic fields, and thus chooses to have a personal identity. You can view the personal visual identity and its importance in marketing your products with the 3 most important components for its success.

Some people criticize this type of visual identity for the difficulty of linking the name of the personal visual identity with the services or products that the individual provides, but this can be compensated for through extensive campaigns to establish the name of the identity and the person’s activity. How many times have you felt that every celebrity in a certain field has a special way of expressing himself? This is exactly what the personal visual identity does, it makes the individual more in harmony with its owner.

Second, the commercial visual identity:

This type differs from the previous type of many visual identities, as we are dealing with an institution that operates commercially and may be on a large scale. Here, a visual identity is designed that is in line with the size of the company, which largely bears its name that is appropriate for the field of commerce in which it operates. Business owners make an effort to define their visual identity, to link the name to the field of work. You can see the article Integrated Visual Identity, the key to achieving the best returns for you, with its 10 most important components.

There is a possibility that the person in charge of the institution will decide to change the activity, which requires the creation of a new commercial visual identity. As for the personal visual identity, the individual’s activity may change while continuing to work under the same identity name. The use of the commercial visual identity is widespread, as this identity is used inside and outside institutions. The public is greatly attached to the visual identity, to reach a level that simulates the attachment to the products and services that are provided.

How to choose the right visual identity for you:

There is no general rule regarding the best types of visual identity, but there are some guidelines that, if followed, will lead to the expansion of your business. You should think about determining what you need, and from this point of view, the appropriate type of identity is determined to express you. Set an expected budget from your side, to implement the visual identity, with the expected results and effects of this step.

3 How to Choose the Right Visual Identity for You - Visual Identity Types and the Path to Business Growth - Khutana E-Marketing

The right visual identity for your audience:

Who are you targeting? You should ask this question to know the characteristics of your audience, and be able to employ the appropriate type for your identity. You can benefit from our services related to understanding the audience, and this is done through accurate analysis at the highest level. What is the nature of the service you provide or your product? This will help you to determine the appropriate type of identity, which will lead you to the highest levels of success and spread. If you work alone in an artistic business, for example, a personal visual identity may be suitable for you. You may be the owner of a commercial establishment and work in an unlimited scope, and therefore the commercial visual identity will be what suits you. You can have a complete visual identity whether you are alone or in an institution if the competition with others is intense.

It is also worth noting that you must be keen on the complete visual identity if you are about to enter one of the fields to distinguish yourself from your competitors. The step of determining the appropriate visual identity for you is an essential step to ensure the pursuit of the path of business growth. The types of visual identity are distinguished by being numerous and extremely important, as they are what support the occurrence of trust between the business owner and the target audience. It turns out that visual identity does a great job of increasing your presence in the competitive arena with your competitors. You can also influence people by effectively employing your identity, and it starts with determining the type that suits you.

Visual identity is very rich and rich, you can influence with phrases, drawings, colors, and lines, and all of these data have extraordinary influence capabilities. There is a difference between personal and commercial visual identity, and this difference is very clear in the use cases and employment of each type based on what the person needs. You may choose a commercial visual identity while practicing individual activity, and here the importance of choosing the right type of identity emerges to achieve the highest rates of success. Identities are many, but you are the only creator, and you must think about choosing the appropriate one as an identity that expresses you and your activity to keep pace with progress.

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Questions about the Visual Identity and the Path to Business Growth Essay

What does visual identity include?

Visual identity refers to the elements used to represent a company, organization, or product, such as its logo, color scheme, web design, illustration style, animation style, typography, iconography, photography, and overall aesthetic representation of the brand.

What are the types of identity?

Visual identity for an individual
Visual identity for a company
Visual identity for an institution

How much does a visual identity cost?

Prices vary depending on the type of identity required, the number of elements, and the amount of effort, time, and number of people required to create it.

What are the types of personal visual identity?

Personal brands are created for different purposes, depending on our needs. Accordingly, we distinguish the following types of personal brands:

Careerists: Personal brands that are leaders in their fields, mainly focused on their achievements and sharing information about them. Their main goal is success and a constant desire to improve themselves like the distinguished Elon Musk.

Supporters: People who want to support those in need with their charitable work and whose main goal is to achieve a higher interest than just looking after their interests, such as the famous actress Angelina Jolie.

Inventors: They are primarily looking for innovative and cutting-edge solutions, and although they are often compared to a mix of influencers and professionals, they tend to lean more towards the latter, especially when it comes to information shared and actions taken. They do not like to follow the crowd and prefer to take new trends like the great scientist Ahmed Zewail.

Hooligans: Personal brands that aim to stir up controversy through the content they share and then retreat to their comfort zone. They love to provoke (even if what they share isn’t entirely true or they disagree with a certain piece of information) like media mogul Omar Adeeb.

Influencers: They are creative and put in a lot of work to make sure that the content they create matches their audience’s expectations, they can read their audience’s needs well and advise accordingly. Their main goal is to create strong relationships with their followers like the great artist Mohamed Ramadan.

Selective: Brands that only share specific information with specific audiences, to whom they devote a lot of their time and attention. They only interact when they want to or when they see a benefit in doing so, such as fashion influencers who only work with the best brands.

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