Creating your brand and marketing plan
Not just a color and logo, but a complete identity about you
Visual identity design, marketing and branding services from Khutana
“Design Thinking” is transforming an idea into a project through an organized methodology. At this stage, we identify the market, customers, competitors, and the industry in which your project will operate. Then, we begin designing the brand in a way that suits the needs of the target audience, not just guesses, expectations, or even old studies and research that may not be in line with current market trends. Therefore, we help your project through visual identity design, marketing, and brand identity design services from Khutana E-Marketing.
Visual Identity What is it and the importance of designing a complete visual identity for your project?
Let’s say your project works without an identity, what will happen? It has no brand name, no logo, no special colors. Let’s say it’s a coffee shop, serving coffee in plain white cups. The workers in the coffee shop wear neutral colors like white or black, so they don’t have a special color “code” for the project. The brand is not linked to anything, it has no story, and it doesn’t have its style of marketing on social media accounts. Every day they talk about something different in a different style “according to the mood of the person who manages their accounts”. Imagine with me the reality of what would happen in this case where the project works without an identity!!
What would happen if your project ran without an identity?
The strange thing in our opinion is that nothing will happen. The project may work well and achieve sales, but what are the difficulties and challenges that it will face? Let’s see… There is something called “Association”, which is what happens in the human mind when seeing something. When we see things, we recognize them by distinguishing them from other things. For example, when we see a car, in our mind, and very quickly, we say, “This is not a house, not a watch, not a pen, not a piece of paper.” If it is a car, this process happens in our mind quickly, and what speeds up this process is our knowledge of other things.
Philosophy of coherence and visual identity design
Philosophy! Coherence is to link something we know to something else we know, and when creating an identity, we create it based on its connection to other things we know to express them, and the more correct this connection is, the more the identity expresses what we want. For example, in the previous example of the coffee shop that operates without an identity, let’s assume that the owners of the coffee shop decided to create an identity for the project, and they want the character of the coffee shop to be cheerful, full of energy and full of life, so we reflect these concepts and meanings to the character of the project (in the corporate identity) and in the external form of the project (visual identity), we are talking about the character of the project, its spirit from the inside, and its way of thinking, and from here comes the importance of the visual identity and the corporate identity.
The difference between corporate identity and visual identity
Imagine a man who cares about his health, goes to the gym every day, reads a lot, eats healthy, so he is healthy as the corporate identity for the project; while the visual identity is his external appearance, his style of dress, his perfume, his watch, his shoes, his ring…etc. When you see this man, with his unique way of speaking (corporate identity), his good health (corporate identity), his wonderful mind (corporate identity), his elegance (visual identity), and his distinctive style of dress (visual identity), you form a special image of him, this image grows in a special frame called (identity). The project is also linked to that image, that logo, those colors,
Netflix Target Example How to Reach Your Ideal AudienceNetflix Target Example How to Reach Your Ideal Audience
How do you see Netflix? I see it as something beautiful and exciting for us, and its logo has become associated with something high-quality, valuable, renewed, and wonderful. Why? Because whenever we use Netflix, we find something beautiful, whenever we reuse Netflix, we find something beautiful, and over time, this image of Netflix has been formed for us and associated with all its beauty with that red logo. So, identity is not only to distinguish one brand from another, but for us, it is an industry for this connection, or a “bank of feelings” and a reference for it to be formed and shaped and have a single reference. This is what we care about in the visual identity design, marketing, and commercial identity design services from Khatana for electronic marketing.
Marketing plan
The marketing plan depends mainly on the marketing resources you have and your budget, and the extent to which the plan develops over time with the achievement of more sales and results, which depends mainly on the presence of analysis data, statistics, and the calculation of the total and partial return on investment with targeted marketing, how to reach your audience. The total return on investment is the total return from all marketing efforts, and you must know what you have achieved from all your marketing efforts. As for the partial return on investment, it is the return for each part, outlet, or means of marketing.
Marketing ≈ Content, Positioning and Customer Experience!
Think about it a little bit. After designing your project correctly and on a solid basis, and after developing the project identity beautifully, all you want now is for people to know about this project, but you don’t want people to know about the project only, you want them to know about the quality level of the project and the high standards that the project operates with, and here content and positioning are involved. With content, we tell the target audience about the brand, its products and services, and positioning is the way and method in which we present this content. To work on it within content marketing services.
Content can be in the form of ads, social media content, website, email, profile, podcast, video clips, conference or meeting, etc., and positioning is the method by which this content is delivered. Positioning becomes easier when the identity is built correctly, meaning the logo, and symbolism of colors and shapes. When they are carefully crafted, positioning and shaping the mental image of the target audience becomes very simple. Here comes the important role of integration in branding, and it is an integrative process that builds on each other and is not an independent work.
Customer Experience
It is everything that happens after the customer sees the content. Take this scenario: One day, you were browsing Twitter, and someone retweeted the content of a tweet from a company. You liked the content and wanted to click on the link in this tweet. This is where the customer experience journey begins for you. When you click on the link, you expect a good experience, including the speed of loading the page that this link will take you to (meaning when designing this page, the images should be uploaded in a smaller size so that they do not increase the size of the page and thus delay loading). Then, when you open the page that the link took you to, you expect everything to be clear, and the information to be designed in a smooth and easy-to-understand manner (the writing of the page content is designed clearly and without misleading phrases).
You also expect this page to clearly explain to you what you should do without complications and many steps, as well as to complete the required process, whether purchasing a product or requesting a service, quickly, enjoyably and with little effort. (This means that the user experience is designed humanely and intuitively, with few clear steps and without complications) After completing the purchase or requesting a service, you expect the product to reach you at the specified time without delay, and you also expect to receive the same requested product and other customer expectations that we help you meet by providing visual identity design, marketing and brand identity design services from Khutana E-Marketing as a visual identity design company in Jeddah or Riyadh or anywhere where we provide our services online.
Customer Questions
What is visual identity?
Visual identity is all the images and graphic information that express your brand and distinguish it from others. It is everything that the customer can see, from the logo to the website to the interior design of the actual location of the company’s headquarters. Therefore, the concept of visual identity and visual identity elements goes beyond the idea of designing a logo to build a personality for the brand in addition to giving a distinctive voice to the business.
Visual identity elements
1- Colors used.
2- Printing and prints.
3- Drawings or graphics.
4- Tangible physical assets.
5- Logo, patterns and icons.
6- Images and photography.
How to design visual identity
1- Know your audience and analyze the market and competitors.
2- Set clear goals for the identity design.
3- Make it consistent and compatible.
4- Incorporate feelings into it.
The difference between Logo and Slogan
Logo is a visual logo designed in the form of either the name of the business or symbols that indicate the business and the services it provides or a combination of the two, such as the logo of Khutana E-Marketing Company on the left side.
Slogan is a text sentence through which the audience recognizes you and it must be attractive and motivating, for example (Khutana succeeds with us).
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